Gardening Workshops
Do you want to grow healthy, organic vegetables, fruits and herbs for you and your family to eat but do not know where to begin? Then check out a gardening workshop to help you fix up your green thumb and learn some great tips on organic gardening. There are gardening workshops all over for beginners or advanced gardeners that cover everything form rain barrels to pest control. Learn how to collect your own rainwater for your yard, garden or flowers and also to chase those unwanted bugs and pests away healthy and naturally. Check the Internet or call your local nurseries to find out about gardening workshops in your area.
How To Pick Gardening Sheers

Regardless of where you live, how big or small the job or if you are a do-it-yourself gardener or a professional gardener, there are always specific gardening tools you will need for those jobs in the yard.
Pick wisely as you will need garden sprayers, hedge sheers, lopping sheers, pruning sheers and tree pruners.

For your top quality gardening needs you will want durability that ensures these cutting tools will remain sharp use after use. This may mean not always looking for the most inexpensive deals on gardening tools and supplies as a few more dollars spent may be well worth it.
Gardening Tips For Summer

Regardless of what types of plants or trees you have in your gardening area there are some tips you should follow for summer. For example, citrus trees should not be pruned for fruit to produce. These trees are susceptible to both frost damage in winter and sunburn in the summer so keep those low lying branches in tack. Gardening advice for modern roses is major pruning should be done in January or February, old garden roses flower on old wood so you should prune after spring around May. Conifers should be pruned when dormant in winter months. If you have ornamental grass cut back 4-6 inches in winter and leave alone in the summer. If you have barrel cactus in your gardening area that have bloomed in the spring there is no need to remove those dried, spent flowers in summer as they will fall off naturally.
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